Birgit Fischer
She may be attending the Angel Congress for the first time this year, but I’m sure most of you have already heard of her, if not read one of her bestselling books, seen her in one of her powerful videos or perhaps even seen her live on stage: Birgit Fischer, author of the book »Starseeds Healing«.
She has been sensing energies, talking to angels, hearing her spirit guides and has a strong clairvoyance since childhood. She picked up on the energies of those around her, saw the colours and heard their feelings and wishes. However, as is unfortunately so often the case, this tended to cause a lack of understanding and Birgit went through many lows and transformation processes in the course of her life until she finally recognised these psychic gifts as a great gift.
The messages she channels from the Starseeds, the galactic intelligences, give us spiritual guidance, inner healing and a feeling of being connected to the whole universe – of coming home.
Birgit’s deepest wish is to help us find and unfold our most powerful version. And that is exactly what she radiates, full of connection, grounded and down-to-earth.